Marchtrenk, Austria

+43 664 42 40 462

© 2017 Roland Hummer

My Visions

A vision is the conception of the state we wish to create. ...

... But in reality it is not restricted to the future.

A vision that cannot be lived now, today, is not a vision – it is a target. Targets are quantifiable and as yet unattained states in the future.

Visions can never be quantified. It is an emotion, a form of energy, that generates the pull towards a “common cause” and lets all those involved “benefit”, drives everyone on and makes the attainment of undreamt-of results possible.


In Less’s vision, I will try to use the potential of neuroplasticity and mirror neurons to transform individual arousal patterns in relation to habits and addiction.

Only through the recognizability of your arousal patterns, through external and internal stimuli, will enable you to change your own life from a reactive to an active one.

We have degenerated ourselves in many areas through implicit habits, but you can now switch from a survival mode to a creation mode – simply by thinking differently.

On request individual consultation and supervision during the process of transformation is available.

Less will focus on the possibilities of the present and future nutrition by using neuroplasticity and mirror neurons.

The future cannot be foretold; it can be created.